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How to Light a Charcoal Grill – Fastest and Safest Ways

how to light a charcoal grill

Gathering with family and friends for a barbecue during summertime is always a great deal. There will be hardly a person found who does not like charcoal cooked steaks, vegetables or even burgers.

But many people do not know the exact way how to light a charcoal grill to make the appliance more productive. The process of lighting a charcoal grill might be a little tedious and frustrating for some barbecue lovers.

But actually, it is quite simple and easy if you know the right way. All you need to know is the basics. In this article, I will talk about the best ways to light a charcoal grill and by following these your grill will be cooked more quickly.

Steps on How to Light a Charcoal Grill

A bag of charcoal and few more necessary tools are the essential items you need to start a charcoal grill. Whatever you do and whichever method you follow, remember that precaution is the major point you should never avoid. Below the best way to start a charcoal grill has been discussed.

1. A Charcoal Chimney

The charcoal chimney works the best as a charcoal grill starter. Take the chimney and fill it up with enough charcoal to the top of it. Inflame it from the bottom with a paper. Gradually the heat will rise towards the chimney. On average, it will take twenty to thirty minutes to burn properly.

Set the grate aside. Now you have to spill the charcoal into the bed of the grill using heat-safe rubber gloves. It is time to place the grate back and you are ready to cook. No chemical or electricity is needed for this process. This is a manual way and will work every time.

2. Lighter Fluid

Lighter fluid is an impressive solution if the charcoal is soggy or the weather is a dump or you are in a hurry. If the question is how to start a charcoal grill with lighter fluid, then you have to go through this point. First of all, make a pyramid shape at the base of the grill by gathering the coals. The heat will rise from the base and will light each other.

Now pour an estimated amount of lighter fluid over the coal pyramid. In between three to five minutes the fluid will be spread. Wait at least ten to twelve minutes for the coal to heat up. By the time the coals will turn up to white-grey color. Place the cooking grate on top of the coals and start your cooking.

3. Looftlighter

The Looftlighter method is another good way to light a charcoal grill. In this process, you have to use the combination of blower and heater. This fine combination will direct heated air towards the charcoal and will ignite within seconds.

As you need electricity in this method, plug in this Looftlighter first. Now push the button on the base of the charcoal pile. Glowing sparks or coals will be seen shortly. Hold it for some time but never lose to point in the same direction. Within a minute the coals will start to burn. No doubt, this is an easy and faster way to start a charcoal grill.


Chimney, lighter fluid, or Looftlighter, all these are the easiest way to light a charcoal grill. Chemical fire starters are less time consuming but you should avoid any type of chemical while processing food while other options are available near to you.

A denominator is necessary while lighting all these fires, matches or a lighter. As now you know how to light a charcoal grill, you are one step ahead to enjoy a great barbecue with your family and friends.